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  • Writer's pictureTobias Bartosiewicz

Texting Thumb

Do you have THUMB PAIN from texting and scrolling on your phone? Well, put down your phone... Or you can try some Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM).

Many muscles of the thenar eminence and the base of the thumb become strained and refer pain into the joints. One quick way to relieve this is to use an IASTM or gua sha tool with some lotion, or just a dull object, and stroke/scrape the skin repeatedly from the palm outward toward the base of the thumb.

Other exercises that may help would be:

- forearm self massage/rolling

- hand/wrist stretches

- finger extension with a rubber band

- putty squeezing

- wrist/forearm strengthening

- practicing good ergonomics and neutral wrist positions.

- limiting phone usage/aggravating activities

- Calling people instead of texting

Additionally, kinesio tape or a thumb brace can also offer assistance.

Just imagine how good you'll feel next time you're caught doom scrolling! 🤪👍

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